Mindsets and Cravings

How to minimize cravings?

As with anything, it is my belief that how we individually function and experience the world is unique and the cause of disease and discomfort as well as healing is multi-faceted. It is no different with the view on cravings. 

The mindset on cravings is that they are signals leading to deeper knowledge about ourselves. Once we learn to attune to our cravings' deeper sensations, they will lead us to their root cause. Let's begin by bringing awareness to some of the multi-facets cravings arise from. The many dimensions of cravings can be broken down into physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances. The increase of our awareness of what may be causing our particular cravings will relatively increase the chances of taking actions towards lasting change.

The many dimensions of cravings can be broken down into physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances.
— Yana, Lively Lion Wellness

Physical imbalances are caused by nutrition. It is the most obvious area and easiest to focus on and make changes in. If our diet consists of unhealthy foods, carbs, sugars, and alcohol, over time, we will experience an imbalance and start to have cravings for more of the same foods because there is a biological functional imbalance in our bodies. Especially in the brain and in the gut. The body doesn't know better, but to ask for more of what it’s familiar with. For me, for example, if I create a habit of having a snack at 2 pm every day, I will naturally start craving it. Same with coffee; if I drink it every day, my body will crave it. Same with sugar or any other habit. If my diet isn't intentionally consisting of healthy Whole Foods such as fresh veggies, fruits and clean meats, I will crave carbs and sugar. The best way to tell if there is a nutritional balance is in how we experience our bodies. Do we feel tired, brain fogged or lethargic or do we feel full of energy, are clear headed and filled with vitality.

Cravings are signals leading to deeper knowledge about ourselves.
— Yana, Lively Lion Wellness

The craving eventually subsides once my diet starts consisting of Whole Foods and I build new habits. It becomes easier and easier for me to intercept cravings once my body is full of yummy nutrients, making the sugar craving less intense, and my healthy eating momentum grows stronger with each healthy choice.

Which leads to the inner dimension of cravings. Most of us stil don't make lasting changes when it comes to decreasing cravings because they are also signals of unmet emotional or deeper unmet needs. Once my body is filled with healthy yumminess, and there is still a craving that lingers, it is a signal to me that there is a deeper emotional or spiritual need that is not filled. Yes, physical cravings and sensations are also signals for internal imbalances. For example, I most definitely will crave chocolate or chips when I'm under pressure. Also, if I'm feeling overly anxious, my body will start craving sweets before I become aware of the anxiety. When I'm feeling sad, I will have food cravings as well. Overall cravings for sweets is an indicator I’m riding on the brink line of overwhelm.

Instead of coping with the negative emotion with unhealthy foods, which was a mechanism developed when I was growing up and didn't have any better tools to deal with hard feelings, I now feel my feelings. All of them. I journal. I talk about them. I trust my body that it has an important story to tell. As the strong feeling is released, so is the craving, and it subsides. The mindset shift on cravings for sweets is now that it is a signal to attune to my needs and take appropriate shifts to regain balance.

The longing for sweets is really a yearning for love or sweetness.
— A Kind Soul at the IAWP

Lastly, cravings can be a signal that we need more awareness of sweetness in our life. Whether it is a hug, more connection to the world around us or spiritual energy. It can be a signal that we need to get more focused on what is sweet in our day right now. Journal about what was blissful and sweet today. Seeing my daughter's smile. Snuggling my cat. The thought of an uninterrupted date night with my husband. The Texas sun. An intentional prayer. So sweet. Shifting my thought to what is sweet in my life satisfies a sugar craving if I’m already eating healthy and my emotions are flowing freely. 

Cravings are tools used for self-care and self-love.
— Yana, Lively Lion Wellness

Let's create a shift in mindset around cravings. They aren't little monsters to be fought, but valuable signals to be tuned to and listened to. They are helpful messengers that can teach us what is important to us and what is missing, so we take steps towards creating alignment. They are tools for self-care and self-love. What meaning each craving carries for you is meant only for you. May you have the curiosity to tune into the craving signal and the courage to follow the path it's leading you to.

Let's get lively! 

Yana, Wellness Coach, Lively Lion Wellness

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